After we have set an appointment, each patient has a 90 minute interview during which an extensive evaluation is made of current concerns and symptoms. In addition, a history of past symptoms, current and past medical history, current and past psychotropic and general medications used, family and developmental history, social history and family history of psychiatric illness. After the interview we will discuss diagnosis and treatment options. For patients under the age of 18, one or both parents are required at each appointment in order to provide input regarding progress and an objective perspective. In the case of patients over the age of 18, a parent or spouse is welcome at the discretion of the patient. After the initial evaluation has taken place, follow up appointments are 30 minutes in length and occur at least every 3 months. Patients may request more frequent appointments or I may suggest more frequent appointments during transitional periods, but at the very least, patients are seen every 3 months.
Between appointments, patients are given my cell phone number and of course my office number and are encouraged to call me with any questions or concerns. I return calls as promptly as time and schedule permit. I do not use an answering service nor do I have a receptionist to field calls. I do not use e-mail to correspond with patients. If the patient is experiencing a psychiatric emergency, a referral is made to the hospital emergency room where an evaluation is done by hospital staff to assess for appropriate treatment. Hospital staff may contact me at the patient’s request but I am not the treating physician at the hospital. If hospitalization takes place, I will resume treatment in the outpatient setting once the patient has been discharged.